So, it all started off at 7:15 A.M. When my alarm went off and I caught my dad sneaking quietly off to work. And he told me to help out mom, because she didn't feel good. About an hour later, I quietly got the toaster oven out and made everyone waffles. At that time, my sister walked into the kitchen to help me out. Eventually everyone else woke up and came to get the waffles with Nutella and bananas.
After breakfast, we went to the living room and listened to an audio book for about an hour and a half.Then, we all got showered and ready to go on a field trip to the Toyota plant.when we got there, we took a couple of pictures...
and watched a video about how the Toyota plant works. When the video was done we headed on to the factory.We had to leave our electronics in the car because we weren't allowed to take pictures, so I don't have any more to show. They took us on a tour and There were several robots and my favorite one was called the Zilla. When we were done, we walked to the car and on the way my sister asked a bunch of questions to the tourist who couldn't even answer all of them. When we got home I basically just started on the first thing you read📲.
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